This is a project initiated by Chad Darnell and I am taking part today. To take part you have to take 12 photos of the 12th of the month and publish them with a link to Chad Darnell. My 12th day of October has not been very spectacular but I still managedd to take a few photos. Here are my 12 photos of October 12, 2011. Hope you will enjoy them.
Kaffee - Coffee.... |
und heiße Milch - and hot milk........ |
....ergeben Latte Macchiato - .....equal Latte Macciato. |
Eine Kleine Näharbeit war für Frau Tochter nötig - A little sewing job for my daughter. |
"Memories" auf dem Klavier war angesagt - "Memories" was being practiced on the piano. |
Die sieht man im Moment überall - these are everywhere this time of the year. |
Kennt ihr Lachgummis? - Have you ever tasted "Lachgummis"? |
Viele, viele Schachteln - Many, many boxes. |
Und das ist in den Schachteln. - And these are in the boxes. |
Neues Kugelmotiv Nummer 1 - New bauble design No. 1. |
Neues Kugelmotiv Nummer 2 - New Bauble design No. 2. |
Mein wichtigstes Werkzeug im Moment - My most important tools at the moment. |
I love the colors! The sewing project was my favorite. Oh, and those candies - I'd love to try them.... yum!