Freitag, 31. Juli 2009
Exhibition - Offene Ateliers 2009 im Göttinger Land
Um euch zumindest schon einmal meinen Beitrag zu zeigen:
Den habe ich gerade eben gemalt. Im Kopf hatte ich das Bild eigentlich schon recht lange nur ist es eben nicht vom Kopf aufs Blatt gewandert. Und da ich fast immer alles bis auf den letzten Drücker rausschiebe mußte ich jetzt ran. Weil doch morgen unsere 100-Jahr Feier ist und ich am Sonntag bestimmt keinen Kopf mehr zum Malen haben werde. Außerdem kommt doch das eine M von Muchandmorenet aus London zu Besuch und wir haben uns ganz viel vorgenommen. Mal sehen ob es was wird. Wir werden darüber berichten, so oder so.
Und noch etwas: das neue Bild hier heißt "Frozen in time" und gibt es demnächst als Karte in meinem dawanda-shop.
Upcoming exhibition "Offene Ateliers" August 3, 2009 at 17.00
I almost forgot to mention the upcoming exhibition of all members of the "Offene Ateliers" 2009 at the "Foyer des Kreishauses des Landkreises Göttingen", at the Reinhäuser Landstraße 3, in 37083 Göttingen. Opening of the exhibition will be Monday, Aug. 3, 2009 at 17.00. More information about members, times, and dates you will find here. Some time ago I told you about the whole event here on this blog. Please visit us if you have the time.
Above you can see my contribution that I have just painted. It has been kind of in my thoughts for quite some time but couldn't make it from head to paper. And since I am always putting everything off to the very last minute today was the day. Tomorrow is out of question because of our centenial celebration and Sunday I will probably not be in the mood to paint. In addition the one M of Muchandmorenet from London will visit our beautiful little village (and me of course) for one week from tomorrow. We have made many plans and will report about it here soon.
One other thing: the new painting is a watercolour and called "Frozen in time". Cards with this motif will be sold in my dawanda-shop soon.
Dienstag, 28. Juli 2009
Der Mond? - The moon?
Auf die Frage, wann denn die Fotos von meiner London-Reise endlich gezeigt werden, bitte ich noch um ein klein wenig Geduld. Das eine M von muchandmorenet kommt am Samstag in unser wunderschönes Dorf in der Mitte Deutschlands für eine ganze Woche und dann wird sie hier als Gastautor unser London-Abenteuer kommentieren. Ich freue mich schon auf ihren Besuch und natürlich auf ihren Bericht (dann mit den Fotos). Hier schon mal einen kleinen Vorgeschmack.
I know that I promised photographs of my London-trip where I had planned a photo-safari with the one M from muchandmorenet. Please be patient a little longer. The one M is going to visit our beautiful village right in the centre of Germany this saturday for a whole week. And she will (among other things) write as guest author on this blog about above-mentioned trip. I am so looking forward to her visit. Here a small photographic appetizer.
Noch ein Besucher - Another visitor
More visitors to my garden - this time brimstone-butterflies. They visited my phlox (is that what you call the flower in the photo in English?) and were kind enough to give me some time to take their picture. If you'd like to see more of them visit me on flickr.
Montag, 27. Juli 2009
Hummeln - Bumblebees
This is the time when the garden has many visitors. Particularly interesting I find the bumblebees. They take their time so that I can take my photographs but they seem to like to make their lives as difficult as possible. On one hand they pick flowers so fragile they need acrobatic skills to reach the object of their desire. On the other hand is the weight an issue when it comes to poppies and the like.
Oder aber suchen sie sich, obwohl um sie herum ganz viele Blüten einladend geöffnet sind, diejenige aus, bei der Hummel sich richtig anstrengen muß um an das Begehrte zu gelangen.
They also ignore all the flowers in full bloom and invitingly open to go for the ones who are not quite awake yet.
Die Sonne scheint bei uns und der Garten lockt mitsamt seinen Besuchern. Die Malerei muß warten. Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich euch. Mehr "Besucher"-Bilder (unter animals) gibt es auf dieser Seite wenn ihr mögt.
The sun is out and the garden lures with all its visitors. Painting has to wait. Have a nice day. If you like to see more of my "visitor"-photographs (see animals) visit me here.
Samstag, 25. Juli 2009
Bretagne 2009 - Britany 2009
Thanks to my husband's new digital camera no more waiting a week or two or three to finally be able to look at the photographs I have taken. Now all I have to do is hook up to the computer and klick klick klick there they are - all two thousand and something photographs taken in two weeks. Here some examples, again. This photograph was taken because my daughter's name is Leonie. I just can't remember where it was taken:
Hier noch die Muscheln bei uns am Strand. The mussels on our beach.
Und einmal Abendstimmung am Meer an unserem Strand. Sundown at our beach.
Und noch eine nette Aufnahme, bei der ich erst jetzt die Zweideutigkeit bemerkt habe. Can you see why I have taken this?
So, genug Fotos für heute. Zwei Bücher und etliche Zeitschriften mußte ich natürlich auch erstehen, aber dazu nächstes Mal mehr. Dann hoffentlich auch das ein oder andere Aquarell.
Enough photographs for today. I have bought two books and quite a few magazines in France which I will show you next time. Then, hopefully, one or two watercolours as well.
Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009
Fotos - Photographs
Again a short note: I am posting photographs in a flickr account now too. So if you have the time have a look. Unfortunately it is not easy to find me there. My name or variations of it don't show any result. So here is the link: my photos. You will find a flickr-widget on this blog but it seems that nobody but me can see it really or can you?????? The one M of "muchandmorenet" has a flickr-account as well. Here too it is well worth looking: M's Photos.
Wieder zuhause - Back home again
Just a short note to let you know I am back home and online (sometimes). At the moment I am still busy harvesting and weeding my garden, doing the laundry from two weeks camping in Britany, and preparing our 100-year-celebration (me 50 and my husband 50). I am getting there slowly but surely. For a short climpse as to what will be seen here soon two photos "food" and one photo "coast" of Britany. If you have the time go ahead and check on "the one M" (of muchandmorenet). She is much more organized than I and has beautiful photographs from another spot in this world.
Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009
Auf Wiedersehen, auf Wiedersehen
Bis dann............