In order for you to find all my so far published recipes more easily - here they are. Of course with the appropriate links to the relevant published posts.
Calvados-Banane/Calvados Banana |
Schokoladenkuchen/Chocolate Cake |
Windbeutel/Chouquettes |
Chili-Pralinen/Chili Chocolates |
Biskuitrolle/Strawberry Swing |
Holundergelee/Elderberry Jelly |
Waffeln/Waffles |
Espresso Baisers/Espresso Baisers |
Rumkugel/Chocolate Covered Candy |
Poffertjes/Poffertjes |
Aryuvedischer Chai/Chai a la Aryuveda |
Walnußhäufchen/Walnut Cookies |
Holunderblütenlikör/Elderberryflower Liqueur |
Rhabarbersoufflé/Rhubarb Delight |