Sonntag, 28. November 2010

First sunday of Advent - Erster Adventsonntag

First I had to create an Advent wreath. The twigs came from the garden and the baubles from my desk.

You want to see what I did today? Returned from an inspiring stay with the one M in London and had to start right away with everything I should have done before I left - baking and decorating for today. Anyway I started out early this morning and even had some time in between to enjoy my garden. The first snow for this year and it looks really pretty. So much for now. More tomorrow. 

This is what I baked for breakfast: a "Hefezopf", my family's favourite fresh out of the oven with butter and strawberry jam.

Because I am planning another coffee morning to trade Christmas cookies I spent a good portion of the day looking through my cookbooks and magazines for recipes.

The birds love those tiny apples that I left for them on the tree.

Some more apples for the birds.

The boys fished this piece of ice out of our garden pond.
 Möchtet ihr mal sehen wie ich heute den Tag verbrachte? Nachdem ich gerade von einem sehr schönen Kurzurlaub bei the one M in London zurückgekommen bin muß ich jetzt all das nachholen, was ich vor meiner Abreise hätte tun sollen - backen und dekorieren für den 1. Advent. Also hier seht ihr ein paar Fotos von meinem Tag. Ich hatte sogar ein paar Minuten um mit dampfender Kaffeetasse und Fotoapperat in der Eiseskälte im Garten Fotos zu schießen. Der erste Schnee ist einfach unwiderstehlich. So viel für heute. Morgen mehr.

A nice cup of tea with friends and the first candle lit.

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